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Worldview literacy has been at the core of Kindred’s work from our beginning. In 2020, we were honored to work with Four Arrows to create the worldview poster on the right. You can download the poster as a PDF or as a JPEG.

Read more about decolonizing and indigenizing ourselves – a worldview shifting process here.

Kindred believes our worldview creates our world, both individually and collectively.

About IONS

After forty years of human research consciousness into why we believe what we believe, the Institute of Noetic Sciences produced the following definition of a worldview along with a Worldview Explorations program that is now a drop-in curriculum in high schools, colleges and international schools.

“Worldviews are the filters through which people see and sense the world and their place in it. A worldview is an organization of beliefs and perspectives that shapes how individuals perceive the world around them and what they accept as true.

Worldviews operate mostly outside of our awareness and are influenced by many factors such as family, politics, religion, and community, among others.

Worldviews are both individually held and culturally shared. They influence goals, desires, motivations, values, relationships, and the actions and reactions of every day encounters. Becoming aware of and exploring worldviews will give students tools to communicate, contribute and function more effectively in their lives.”

Find Worldview Explorations educational materials – including workbooks, facilitator guides and conversation cards – on IONS’ website here. Watch the video below for more insight into this valuable program for 21st century global citizens.

Worldview Explorations from Institute of Noetic Sciences on Vimeo.

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