John Breeding, PhD
John has been a psychologist for over 25 years, working with adults, children and families in Austin, Texas and around the world. A significant part of his work involves counseling with parents and children. He lectures and leads workshops for parents and educators on handling the challenge of a child who is labeled a "problem." One purpose is to assist adults in becoming more effective in their work with young people, offering non-drug alternatives to helping young people who are having a hard time. John’s work and available services may be seen at . John is the author of five books: Leaving Home; The Wildest Colts Make the Best Horses;The Necessity of Madness and Unproductivity: Psychiatric Oppression or Human Transformation; True Nature and Great Misunderstandings; and Eyes Wide Open: Parenting and Life Manifestos for he 21st Century. You can read his 21st Century Manifesto for Parents on Kindred here. John is also a member of Kindred's International Advisory Board.