American Circumcision is a feature-length documentary on circumcision in America, and the growing Intactivist movement that says all human beings should have the right to make their own choices about their bodies.
What Some Noted Physicians Say About Circumcision
“My own preference, if I had the good fortune to have another son, would be to leave his little penis alone.” —Benjamin Spock, M.D., renowned pediatrican
“. . . there are now serious concerns this routine procedure may actually deprive adult men of a vital part of their sexual sensitivity.” —Dean Edell, M.D., National Radio Host
“My feeling is that it is a traumatic experience and I am opposed to traumatizing the baby. I’m also opposed to inflicting an operation on an individual without his permission.” —Howard Marchbanks, M.D., Family Practitioner
“The risks of newborn circumcision are an underreported and ignored factor in this argument. Most often a poor surgical result is not recognized until years after the event.” —James Snyder, M.D., urologist
past president of the Virginia Urologic Society
Circumcision Resource Center. Circumcision Resource Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization with the purpose of informing the public and professionals about the practice of male infant circumcision. Our mission is to raise awareness and facilitate healing. Since 1991, the Center has been a valuable source of male infant circumcision information for parents and children’s advocates; childbirth educators and allied professionals; medical, mental health, and academic people; Jews; and others. Our Directors and Professional Advisory Board members consist of researchers and clinicians in the fields of medicine, mental health, and social science. We also provide consultation, counseling, and referrals, lectures and seminars, and publications.
Intact America. Intact America works to protect babies and children from circumcision and all other forms of medically unnecessary genital alteration, whether carried out for cultural conformity or profit, in medical or non-medical settings. We seek to achieve our goals through education, advocacy, public policy reform, and the empowerment of our supporters, partners, and volunteers. You can read our Statement of Principles here.
Map of the world’s circumcision practices. Notice how this relates to violence in men from those places.
National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers. NOCIRC was founded by healthcare professionals to provide information to expectant parents, healthcare professionals, educators, lawyers, ethicists, and concerned individuals about circumcision and genital cutting of male, female, and intersex infants and children, genital integrity, and human rights.
National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM), Information and Support Group on Foreskin Restoration
National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males, NOHARMM,
Activist Organization for Men
Nurses for the Rights of the Child, NRC, Conscientious Objector Information for Nurses
Doctors Opposing Circumcision, DOC, Physician Information and Networking
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, ARC