Breastfeeding Resources
Breastfeeding Resources
Infant feeding practices have a profound impact on population health outcomes: reducing rates of chronic diseases including diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers. This is why increasing breastfeeding rates and creating lactation-friendly environments have been identified as critical public health priorities both nationally and globally. Yet, here in the United States, barriers to establishing and maintaining the human milk feeding relationship are persistent, pervasive, and magnify health disparities. The United States is the only developed nation without family wellness support policies and structures in place, and therefore, we are the sickest developed nation as well.
Learn More In Kindred’s Breastfeeding Breastfeeding Features and Video Series
Evolved Nest Initiative. Visit our sister-initiative’s Evolved Nest Learning Center for the science here.
Breastfeeding Hotline. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health offer a breastfeeding help hotline. The hotline is helmed by trained breastfeeding peer counselors and provides support by phone. The phone number is 800-994-9662 (TDD 888-220-5446). The hotline is open Monday-Friday 9am-6pm. You can call after hours and leave a message. A breastfeeding peer counselor will return your call on the next business day.
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine is a worldwide organization of physicians dedicated to the promotion, protection, and support of breastfeeding and human lactation. Its mission is to unite into one association members of the various medial specialities with this common purpose.
Alive & Thrive’s The Cost of Not Breastfeeding Tool.
Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative USA Non-profit organization implementing the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative in the USA.
Black Breastfeeding Week. Black Breastfeeding Week was created because for over 40 years there has been a gaping racial disparity in breastfeeding rates. The most recent CDC data show that 75% of white women have ever breastfed versus 58.9% of black women. The fact that racial disparity in initiation and even bigger one for duration has lingered for so long is reason enough to take 7 days to focus on the issue, but here are a few more.
Black Mothers Breastfeeding Association. BMBFA is a non-profit organization. Our mission is to reduce racial inequities in breastfeeding support for African Americans by building foundational networks of support, and strengthening systems to overcome historical, societal and social barriers to breastfeeding success.
Breastfeeding and Child Custody Toolkit. The Michigan Breastfeeding Network has published the “Breastfeeding and Child Custody Toolkit” as part of their Breastfeeding Roadblock Kits series. The toolkit guides readers through the issues surrounding breastfeeding and child custody, including information on the legal landscape. It includes template letters to the court, resources for parents, and a platform for sharing stories.
CDC Breastfeeding Resources. CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity (DNPAO) is committed to increasing breastfeeding rates throughout the United States and to promoting and supporting optimal breastfeeding practices toward the ultimate goal of improving the public’s health.
College Campus Breastfeeding Policy Toolkit. A Model Policy providing best practices on pregnancy and parenting accommodations, leave, and non-discrimination, in compliance with Title IX and other federal law. The text can be adapted as a memo or included in your institution’s existing policy.
Eats on Feets. Community Breastmilk Sharing. Eats On Feets facilitates a world-wide network of parents and professionals who have made the informed choice to share or support the sharing of breastmilk.
HealthConnect One. HealthConnect One is the national leader in advancing respectful, community-based, peer-to-peer support for pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and early parenting.
Human Milk Banking Association of North America. Human milk is a precious resource. Even with milk banks, the availability of donor milk is very limited. Sometimes, a mother chooses not to breastfeed, or for whatever reason is unable to breastfeed. Some babies MUST receive human milk in order to survive. In these cases, doctors will prescribe human milk for the child. In a perfect world, all babies would receive breastmilk, either from their mother or from a donor, and the artificial milk industry would be very limited. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if “formula” were only available by prescription?
Human Milk 4 Human Babies, HM4HB. HM4HB is a global milksharing network, a virtual village, comprising thousands of people from over fifty countries. We are mothers, fathers, adoptive families, grandparents, childbirth and breastfeeding professionals, volunteers, supporters, donors, and recipients that have come together to support the simple idea that all babies and children have the right to receive human milk. We use social media as a platform for local families to make real-life connections and come together as sustainable milksharing communities where women graciously share their breastmilk. HM4HB is built on the principle of informed choice: we trust, honour, and value the autonomy of families and we assert they are capable of weighing the benefits and risks of milksharing in order to make choices that are best for them.
International Lactation Consultant Association Professional association for lactation consultants and breastfeeding promotion advocates
International Milk Banking Initiative. The International Milk Banking Initiative (IMBI) is a group of milk banks and health care providers interested in establishing an international association of non-profit milk banks globally through the development of better communication. The IMBI was founded at the International HMBANACongress held in Washington DC area in 2005.
La Leche League. Our Mission is to help mothers worldwide to breastfeed through mother-to-mother support, encouragement, information, and education, and to promote a better understanding of breastfeeding as an important element in the healthy development of the baby and mother.
Milk Mob. The Milk Mob is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to optimize the promotion and support of breastfeeding for families in the outpatient sector. The Milk Mob is dedicated to building Breastfeeding Friendly Medical Systems and Communities, through:
- Education of medical staff, providers, and other outpatient community breastfeeding supporters,
- Guidance in the development and sustainment of breastfeeding support networks within medical systems,
- Collaboration of breastfeeding support between hospitals, outpatient medical systems and community institutions for collective impact,
- Provision of educational resources for breastfeeding educators, such as sharing of educational materials, creation of audiovisual media, and tools for community supporters that promote consistent, evidence-based support of breastfeeding dyads.
National Association of Professional and Peer Lactation Supporters of Color. Our mission is to cultivate a community of diverse professional and peer lactation supporters to transform communities of color through policy, breastfeeding, and skilled lactation care.
National Breastfeeding Awareness Initiative. On this website, you can learn more about breastfeeding. You also can find tips and suggestions to help you successfully breastfeed, whether you decide to breastfeed for two weeks, two years, or more.
Quintessence Foundation (Canada). Quintessence Foundation, established in 1998, focuses on breastfeeding education to health professionals and the public through a variety of venues. Additionally the Foundation provides support to programmes having a positive effect on breastfeeding and the use of human milk. The Foundation was established by individuals who desire greater breastfeeding information and support be available to communities in British Columbia. The Foundation is a registered non profit organization
Racial Equity Learning Community. The United States Breastfeeding Committee has been funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to host this community as part of an inclusive learning and transformation process for the “First Food” field. The community will build the capacity of the breastfeeding field to apply both an “equity lens” to inform and guide our external strategies and activities, but also an “equity mirror” to examine our internal structures, culture, and policies. The LC will include:
- bi-monthly theme presented in webinar at end of odd-numbered months
- file library sharing selected general readings, as well as readings related to each theme
- moderated forum with questions to stimulate discussion and sharing among community participants
- blog posts including review of shared information and discussion of community insights
You must log into the USBC website to use the learning forum, but you can access the webinars here.
Reaching Our Sisters Everywhere, ROSE. An organization dedicated to addressing the breastfeeding disparity among people of color nationwide through education programs, advocacy and other efforts. The organization’s pioneering work was recently rewarded with a more than $1 million grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
United Kingdom Association for Milk Banking. KAMB is a registered charity that supports human milk banking in the UK and was set up in October 1997. Our motto is ‘Every Drop Counts’ and we believe that the provision of safe and screened donor breastmilk makes an important contribution to the care of the premature and sick infants who receive it. Every day in the UK, more and more babies receive donor milk as a result of the work of this charity.
United States Breastfeeding Coalition Directory. Find your state breastfeeding coalition.
United States Breastfeeding Committee. USBC is an independent nonprofit coalition of more than 50 nationally influential professional, educational, and governmental organizations that share a common mission to drive collaborative efforts for policy and practices that create a landscape of breastfeeding support across the United States.
Uzazi. Black Infant Mortality Walk. Uzazi Village’s mission is to decrease the maternal and infant health disparities found at the urban core, particularly among African-American women, but also other at-risk populations residing there.
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action Generates information on World Breastfeeding Week
World Health Organization WHO International Breastfeeding Code
Breastfeeding Is A Critical Component Of Humanity’s Evolved Nest: