Environmental Justice Blowin’ in the Wind: A review of the film Mark Alok O'Brien Sep 14, 2007 0 Blowin’ in the Wind, by award winning filmmaker David Bradbury and co-producer Peter Scott is a wake-up film that exposes the…
Environmental Justice Nuclear Power Australia – the World’s Nuclear Dump Mark Alok O'Brien May 29, 2007 0 From Nuclear Power: Is it really a Greenhouse Solution? Since the 1980s the US has spent some $5 billion on storage facilities…
Environmental Justice Nuclear Power vs Renewables Mark Alok O'Brien May 29, 2007 0 Continued from Nuclear power... The nuclear lobby’s biggest argument over renewables relates to their supposed inability…
Environmental Justice Nuclear Power: Debunking the myths Mark Alok O'Brien May 29, 2007 0 Myth: Nuclear power is green Reality: If the entire production cycle is considered, then nuclear is not only no ‘greener’ than…
Environmental Justice Nuclear Power: Debunking Nuclear Industry Claims Mark Alok O'Brien May 29, 2007 0 (Continued on from Nuclear Power: Is it really a Greenhouse solution?) These claims are from the Uranium Information Centre:1…
Environmental Justice Nuclear Power: is it really a greenhouse solution? Mark Alok O'Brien May 29, 2007 0 It kind of crept up on me towards the end of 2005, as it was being slowly introduced into editorials, news items, and page three stories. All of a…
Environmental Justice Legacy of Treason – Depleted Uranium and the Poisoning of Humanity Mark Alok O'Brien Nov 16, 2006 0 treason n 1 betrayal of one's sovereign or country. 2 any treachery or betrayal. treasonable adj treasonous adj In recent years I have…