Myrna Martin, MN, RCC, RCST(R)
Myrna has 40 years of experience working as director of Nelson and Area Mental Health Services, therapeutically as a nurse, family therapist and craniosacral therapist. Her private practice focuses on early trauma resolution with babies, children and their families as well as adults. She teaches workshops and seminars around the world. Myrna is director of the Kutenai Institute of Integral Therapies which offers pre- and perinatal professional training, somatic trauma resolution and biodynamic craniosacral therapy. Her next pre- and perinatal professional trainings will be in Charlottesville, Virginia, beginning in April 2013 and Vancouver, British Columbia, in May 2013. These trainings provide professional education for a broad range of people working with pregnant couples and families with children in the early years as well as adults. Visit her online at
Read her articles and watch her videos on pre- and perinatal psychology on Kindred.
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