Joseph Chilton Pearce And Robin Grille… In Rocking Chairs

On one of the tour stops for the Parenting for a Peaceful World USA Tour, Australian psychotherapist and book author, Robin Grille, sits with the iconic elder of the conscious parenting movement, Joseph Chilton Pearce. Joe and Robin met in the home Joe built as a young man from the rocks and trees from the surrounding Virginia mountainside. They cover the gamut, from what Joe thinks the world really needs now – forgiveness – to climate change to enculturation to the ideals of the Continuum Concept.

Robin writes on his blog:


I’m delighted to share this interview with you. I had the huge honor of sitting with the celebrated author Joseph Chilton Pearce in the home he built with his own hands, among the wooded hills of Virginia USA, in December 2013. Joseph is a little frail these days, but sharp, incisive, and a treasure trove of deep insights and unique perspectives on the relationship between child-rearing, human social-evolution, and a planet in crisis. Joe is an elder sage with an urgent message.  His extraordinary books have touched the lives of millions, and nudged us all along a little closer towards a new awakening.

So, here we were together, rocking in our chairs, enjoying the setting sun, and gently meandering through a stream of ideas.

I feel immensely privileged to have had this conversation, and thanks to the talents and efforts of my good friends Lisa and Keith Reagan, now this conversation is for everyone.


Kindred Media and Community was proud to sponsor the Parenting for a Peaceful World USA Tour. See more videos of Robin’s adventures here on our channel.…

Visit the forthcoming Joseph Chilton Pearce Academy at the Touch the Future website:

Read Robin Grille on Kindred…

Visit Robin’s homepage here:

Thanks to Keith Reagan Film and Video for shooting this footage. VIsit Keith at

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