
Dayna Martin
Dayna Martin has been inspiring others for over a decade by sharing her experience through natural birth, attachment parenting and Unschooling. Author of, Radical Unschooling: A Revolution Has Begun, and her newest book, Sexy Birth. She’s been featured on Dr. Phil, CNN, Nightline, and Fox News several times. She was even used as an informational resource for Unschooling stories on the Discovery Channel, The Today Show and Our America on the OWN Network. She travels the world as the UnNanny, and is a featured speaker at the major unschooling conferences worldwide.
As an unschooling parent, author, and advocate, Dayna has been featured and interviewed in hundreds of local, regional, and international television and radio pieces about Radical Unschooling over the last several years. She and her husband Joe appeared as the featured guests on Dr. Phil Show in November 2006 introducing Radical Unschooling to the world.
Dayna’s family was featured in a controversial Nightline episode with Juju Chang about Radical Unschooling philosphy. Dayna was also live via satellite on Australia’s most popular morning news program, Morning Sunrise, sharing about Unschooling philosophy.
Radical Unschooling is an evolution of our understanding about learning and the rights and respect of children. We are on the cusp of change and many people are looking for alternatives to the traditional schooling model. With Unschooling, we are reprioritizing. We are taking back our freedom and putting happiness, connection and family first!
- Dayna Martin
Dayna resides in New Hampshire with her husband Joe, and four amazing children: Devin, Tiffany, Ivy, and Orion.