
Joseph Mercola, DO
From Dr. Mercola:
You are wise to question who you can trust when it comes to maintaining, enhancing, or rebuilding your health.
With all websites, newspapers, magazines, and other publications offering health advice, with every new multi-million dollar TV ad for another proclaimed miracle drug, with any recommendation offered by traditional and natural physicians, it is essential to answer this question above all others: what is their real motivation?
Only if the answer provides you with a sense of security, move on to the next important question: what are their qualifications? The primary trick of the existing medical establishment is to get you to forget that first question – their real motivation – by dazzling you with what appears to be magnificently trustworthy qualifications.
But clinical trials conducted by heavily biased "researchers," advertisements, and news stories carefully scripted to scare you into belief, highly polished corporate offices and corporate websites, and an extreme focus on whatever has the most profit potential – not lifesaving or life-enhancing potential – are not qualifications. They are scams.
Don't fall for them.
My motivation, whether you are a member of the community or have just heard about me for the first time, is to make you as healthy as you can possibly be. This involves:
- Providing the most up-to-date natural health information and resources that will most benefit you and,
- Exposing corporate, government, and mass media hype that diverts you away from what is truly best for your health and often to a path that leads straight into an early grave. is not, in other words, a tool to get me a bigger house and car, or to run for Senate. I fund this site, and therefore, am not handcuffed to any advertisers, silent partners, or corporate parents.
When I offer or recommend products, I do so because I have actively researched them and find they are the best in that category for your health. I ignore substandard products, and products not directly pertinent to your health, regardless of any potential financial upside.
Read Dr. Mercola's full bio here.