
Pinky McKay
In a world where common sense isn't so common, Pinky McKay provides real-world, no-nonsense, parenting support and approaches with a blend of humour, sharp wit and wisdom not found anywhere else. Pinky specializes in gentle parenting styles that honour mothers' natural instincts to respond to their babies and empower a positive response from infants and toddlers without what Pinky terms 'normalised abuse'. She says, "babies and toddlers are people too and they deserve empathy and respect, not 'training' through techniques such as rigid routines, controlled crying or spanking. This allows children to respond positively to their environment and to develop appropriate boundaries through mutual respect and strong family relationships."An International Board certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), certified infant massage instructor and sought after keynote speaker at conferences for parents and professionals internationally, Pinky calls parenting like it is -- messy business. No worries though, she has proven solutions to help parents cope and create their own methods to the parenting madness. Pinky's techniques offer an effective, proven alternative to "baby training approaches" which may not only have long term negative effects on infants' emotional and mental health but also undermine parents' confidence and connection with their little ones.
She runs a busy private practice in Melbourne offering workshops and private consultations. Plus, her reach extends worldwide with support for parents via teleseminars and webcasts to provide tips on gentle, responsive baby care. She offers candid conversations about the not-so-sexy reality of parenting, family relations and more. Pinky takes pride in restoring mothers' confidence as she solves breastfeeding and infant sleep/settling problems and - teaches therapeutic baby massage, too.
Her real world experience stems from being the mother of four adult 'children' and a now teenage 'bonus baby' (the baby you have when your other kids can run their own baths, tie their own shoelaces and even drive their own cars). Pinky is also a proud 'hands on' grandmother of three littlies (2 to 5 years).
Pinky has appeared on most major national TV shows including the Today Show, Today Tonight, A Current Affair, The Morning show, The Circle, Mornings with David and Sonya and has been interviewed for various print publications nationally. Plus she's a best-selling baby care author with four titles published by Penguin including Sleeping Like a baby, 100 Ways to Calm the Crying, Toddler Tactics and Parenting By Heart. Her books are endorsed by professional bodies such as The Australian Breastfeeding Association, La Leche League International and The Australian Association of Infant Mental Health.
A sought after guest and keynote speaker at seminars for Health professionals, parents and at baby expos, Pinky has spoken and exhibited at baby expos across Australia, the Lactation Consultants Association of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ) launch tour – six cities in seven days!, Queensland Playgroup Association, The Australian Breastfeeding Association, New Zealand College of Midwives (Waikato branch), La Leche League New Zealand national conference and as keynote ambassador for the launch of the Australian Government's National Paid Parental Leave Scheme and ambassador for the P&G Changing Face of Motherhood Report.
Pinky writes for a number of websites, blogs and publications in Australia and internationally. She writes regular features and blogs with Essential, Miranda Kerr's Kora Organics site, Bebe 0nline (as seen on Oprah) and international publications, including Attachment Parenting International (US), Littlies magazine (NZ) and Pathways to Family Wellness (US).
Additional resources such as Pinky McKay's Baby Massage DVD and her Ebook and Audio Program, Breastfeeding Simply and her intensive 'Mummy Mentor' support program for new mothers are available on her website. You can learn more and receive her free newsletter 'Gentle Beginnings'. To contact Pinky call her answering service +61 3 8678 3928 or email For media and speaking inquires contact Pinky's Publicity and Marketing manager, or call Sarah 0402 070 846