
Hybrid Rasta Mama

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First name Rasta
Last name Mama
Nickname Hybrid Rasta Mama
Display name Hybrid Rasta Mama

After bringing my daughter “Tiny” earthside in early 2009, I left a decade long career as a recruiter behind to focus my energies on mothering. Although I dabble in some consulting work here in there, I am a stay-at-home mom who loves every minute of it!
I am a hybrid parent. I take a little of this, throw in a little of that and blend it all together to create a parenting style that is centered on what my daughter needs from me in order to flourish as a human being. I am committed to mindful, conscious parenting. I take a gentle approach which allows my daughter to the freedom to grow, develop and unfold at her pace. I do not impose my will or my ideas on her unless it is a matter of health and safety. Tiny has her own mind, her own will, her own heart and her own soul. I support her and warmly guide her but I do not force or command her.

I am a playful parent, creatively guiding Tiny through colorful, imaginative language and movement. I am a firm believer that children should grow up outside and in nature as much as possible and am committed to getting Tiny outside every day, rain or shine.
I consider myself semi-crunchy. I cloth diaper, bed-share, practice extended breastfeeding, use cloth instead of paper products and am mindful of overconsumption. I believe in holistic healing and veer away from Western medicine when there is a more natural way to cure or prevent illness, injury or disease. I live as much of a green lifestyle as I can afford. I make most all of our toiletries and personal care products and many household cleaners as well.

I am a Real Foodie through and through. Food is medicine and what you put into your body nourishes your mind, body and soul. I make 80% of our food from scratch using organic and local ingredients whenever possible. The other 20% of our food is called “life.” There are only so many hours in the day to devote to a real foods lifestyle and sometimes package products creep into our pantry and onto our table. I choose wisely, not settling on the standard American crap that is sold is every grocery store these days.
I am very drawn to the philosophies of Rudolph Steiner as it relates to child development, parenting and education. The Waldorf approach to parenting and education resonates deeply with me as I had the pleasure of working in a Waldorf preschool long ago. I believe wholeheartedly in Steiner’s vision of child development and base many parenting decisions around his research and philosophies. Having said that, there are some tenants of the Waldorf philosophy that I do not fully embrace. I take what works and leave what doesn’t.

As for the Rasta part of my moniker. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reggae music and the Rastafarian culture and way of life. (No – it has nothing to do with marijuana either!) Reggae music touches my soul more than any other music out there. The Rastafarian lifestyle is based on clean living and a devotion to expanding oneself in all areas of life. It’s something that I can embrace with ease and that makes sense to me. Anything else you want to know about me, just ask! I’ll probably give you an answer!