
Miriam Mason Martineau

Primary fields

First name Miriam
Last name Mason Martineau
Nickname MMartineau
Display name Miriam Mason Martineau

Miriam Mason Martineau's formal training lies in the areas of psychology, dance, choreography, and voice. She has a Masters Degree in Psychology from the University of Zurich, with a specialization in Youth and Child Psychology, and is also a certified teacher of Laban Modern Dance, as well as a singer and vocal instructor. She is vice-president of Next Step Integral. For the past 15 years Miriam has studied and researched how parenting can be pursued as a spiritual practice. She sees parenting as one of our greatest opportunities for personal growth and evolutionary activism. This has led her to offering courses on the topic, working as a coach for parents, and writing a book (forthcoming) titled Raising the Future — an Integral Evolutionary Approach to Parenting.

Miriam is also a private practice integral psychotherapist, and her interest in peak performance, vitality and integral leadership building have led her to her work with Univera, a cutting-edge international nutraceutical company. She also leads workshops on authentic voice and movement, and has performed both as a soloist and in a variety of choirs such as the Swiss National Television Choir. From 1992-2002 Miriam lived in an integrally-informed intentional community and there honed the skills of group facilitation, conflict resolution and generative dialogue.

Kindred welcomed Miriam to its International Editorial Advisory Board in 2015.