Qld Doctor says No to Fluoridation
Former Federal Health Minister Dr Doug Everingham says no to water fluoridation.
As a family doctor and often Acting Government Medical Officer in Rockhampton over in the 1950s, I wrote a letter praising fluoridation published in the local The Morning Bulletin. This prompted the late Jack Harding and others to show me books that warned of fluoridation risks. I read those books and have continued to look at reports for and against fluoridation in medical journals and elsewhere.
Reports still not disproved suggest involvement of fluoride medication in contributing after some years of consumption to reduced immunities or increased intensity or numbers of cases of disorders in human and animal development or function of bones, joints, brain, thyroid and other tissues.
Many of the water supplies now fluoridated were earlier showing dental signs of fluoride overdose in a significant proportion of their consumers, and fluoridation increases the prevalence and intensity of such dental fluorosis.
Reports criticise poor experimental and statistical methods in most surveys that favour water fluoridation. Official policy promoters overwhelmingly concede that public water supplies with 4 ppm fluoride are a hazard. Lower limits have been suggested for infants, sufferers from certain metabolic problems and persons exposed to hot conditions. No minimum concentration of fluoride in communal water supplies or in individual fluoride intake has been shown as necessary to produce fluorosis-free, cares-free teeth. Despite repeated calls for such assessment by official reports.
Many studies suggest that the only proven caries-preventing function of fluoride lies in carefully applying toothpaste and dental therapy to tooth enamel, not in swallowing fluoride. Many authors want all artificial fluoridation stopped and natural water supplies limited to some unspecified fluoride level below 1 ppm.
Such authors include professionals formerly in charge of government promotion or direction of fluoridation. Among these are the former Dean of Melbourne’s dental school, Sir Arthur Amies, Dr John Colquhoun of New Zealand; and others in the few countries that still promote fluoridation, as well as many that have abandoned or avoided it.
Associate Professor Hardy Limeback, PhD, BSc, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Head of Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto and Past President, Canadian Association for Dental Research, is typical of ever more researchers who have turned against fluoridation. In 1999 he apologized for inadvertently misleading colleagues and students, saying “For the past 15 years I had refused to study the toxicology information that is readily available to anyone. Poisoning our children was the furthest thing from my mind.”
It thus took that eminent expert 15 years to face plain and crucial scientific facts that were avoided and disparaged by traditional authorities and some industrial sponsors. I took me 10 years after graduating. It is time for remaining fluoridation promoters to get past collecting titles of supporting political authorities and stop ridiculing opponents as if they were all dupes, cranks, quacks or dimwits. They may then make a similar apology.
From Dr Doug Everingham Federal Health Minister (Whitlam Government 1972 -1975)
With the kind permission of Dr Everingham this recent letter is being
forwarded to all Queensland MPs and others by Queenslanders Against Water Fluoridation Inc
24th February 2008.
– Doug N Everingham MB, BS (Univ Syd 1946) Member, Australian House of
Representatives 1967-75 and 1977-84
Australian Minister for Health 1972-75 Vice-President [West Pacific Region’s
nominee] at World Health Assembly, Geneva 1975.
Post script from QAWF
The Federal Labor Party has initiatives in Oral Health that they can be very
proud of ( starting the Scool Dental Service – Gough Whitlam sent 100 dental
therapists to New Zealand for training to get it started quickly) and Labor
introduced the Commonwealth Oral Dental Health Scheme
The Queensland Government’s actions in forcing fluoridation and forcing it
based on fraudulent data will never be an action that can be looked back on
with pride.
To All Australian Health Departments and Ors. promoting the chronic poisoning of our population, animals and environment via ‘water fluoridation’, we say to you:-
Anti-fluoridationists (Anti-hazardous waste poisoning) are a group of sensible, caring and intelligent people against the chronic poisoning of our population, animals and environment.
Drinking, eating & bathing in hazardous waste known as water fluoridation
Hydrofluoric Acid – Acutely toxic chemical
Explaining the truth about “water fluoridation” and the phosphate mining industry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEZ15m-D_n8&feature=share
Fluosilicic Acid. TOXNET profile from Hazardous Substances Data Base http://www.fluoridealert.org/…
The Chemistry of Water Fluoridation – What is Water Fluoridation? http://fluorideinformationaustralia.files.wordpress.com/…
“Physiologic Conditions Affect Toxicity of Ingested Industrial Fluoride,” Journal of Environmental and Public Health, vol. 2013, Article ID 439490, 13 pages, 2013. Richard Sauerheber, doi:10.1155/2013/439490. Available online at: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jeph/2013/439490/
Also see information hereunder on our indigenous people – silicofluorides – crime & violence & kidney disease:-
All those responsible for this will one day all be held accountable and responsible for this willful, arrogant and reckless negligence regarding the chronic poisoning (via water fluoridation/pollution of our water supplies and hence food chain) of our population, animals and environment.
Our Australian Health Departments, ADA, AMA and all those involved in pushing water fluoridation/pollution are an absolute disgrace and a danger to the health and safety of our population. (allegedly)
Remember the foods, drinks etc. made in Australia are polluted with these hazardous waste and co-contaminants as every State in Australia is polluted with this hazardous waste known as ‘water fluoridation’.
The hazardous waste pollution of our water supplies, food chain and environment – this concerns us all – we must all demand that water fluoridation/pollution with hazardous waste, end as a matter of urgency and for all time.
The people who don’t follow like sheep, do not believe anyone in the DENTAL INDUSTRY/MEDICAL INDUSTRY and their interests that the dumping/disposing into the water supplies and hence also contaminating our food chain of dangerously corrosive hazardous waste pollutants fluorosilicic acid/silicofluorides and co-contaminants of lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, etc., aka water fluoridation chemicals, is good for teeth, brains, organs and bodies – to believe this, you would need your ‘head read’.
For the truth see REPORT Brief Overview of water fluoridation/pollution etc., hereunder; and remember, pro-fluoride fanatics will continue to say and do anything to keep the cities/states ‘fluoridated’ – and their Bovine Excreta of their untrue chant of it being safe and effective is willfully and recklessly negligent. Australia wide in dental crisis after widespread fluoridation in every State, first commencing Beaconsfield, Tasmania in 1953 = likewise USA in dental crisis after widespread ‘fluoridation’ first beginning in 1945 Grand Rapids Michigan.
Water fluoridation/pollution with hazardous waste fluorosilicic acid/silicofluorides & co-contaminants of lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, etc. (plus they add aluminium sulphate to this hazardous waste soup) is not safe and not effective and all those continuing with this dangerous fraud of WF had better stop. No one has the right to treat, medicate, drug, chronically poison/pollute anyone especially without informed consent (or refusal) or to pollute our food chain and environment).
REPORT: Brief Overview of Water Fluoridation/Pollution – 11 September, 2013 Diane Drayton Buckland
REPORT: 100% fluoridated Kentucky, USA – Rampant Dental Decay & chronic disease epidemic – DDB http://fluorideinformationaustralia.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/rampant-dental-decay-chronic-disease-epidemic-in-100-fluoridated-kentucky-usa-13-aug-2013-ddb.pdf
REPORT: Can Dentists & Doctors be trusted when they say Water Fluoridation is Safe & Effective?
Some Health Effects: http://fluorideinformationaustralia.wordpress.com/health-effects/
REPORT: Download Full Report >
Website: http://fluorideinformationaustralia.wordpress.com/fia-report-archives/
Aboriginals have even worse effects from fluorides than caucasians including the kidneys:-
NOTE: This article makes no reference to fluorides but does show Aboriginals are at high risk for renal disease!
Kidney Int. 2006 Jul;70(1):104-10. Epub 2006 May 24.
Reduced nephron number and glomerulomegaly in Australian Aborigines: a group at high risk for renal disease and hypertension. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16723986
Silicofluorides (Water Fluoridation Chemicals)
Aboriginal Prison Rates – Violence and Crime – Kidney Disease – Silicofluorides (Water Fluoridation Chemicals) http://fluorideinformationaustralia.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/aboriginal-prison-rates-violence-crime-silicofluorides-water-fluoridation-chemicals2.pdf
An Australian Example of Fluoridation Dictatorship
2007 The Australian Fluoridation News – Is there a case of Government Fraud?
Australia wide in dental crisis after widespread fluoridation in every State, first commencing Beaconsfield, Tasmania in 1953 = likewise USA in dental crisis after widespread ‘fluoridation’ first beginning in 1945 Grand Rapids Michigan
The only answer EVER was to provide access to affordable dental health care services for all the population, not the disposal of hazardous waste pollutants fluorosilicic acid/silicofluorides and co-contaminants of lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium etc., (known as water fluoridation); into our drinking water supplies and hence also the contamination of our food chain and using the populations’ kidneys as hazardous waste disposal/filtration units.