Kindred readers are thoughtfully exploring the disintegration of the Old Story, the emergence of a New Story and the space we, as Cultural Creatives, now occupy between these stories. Kindred readers trust our belief that the human reach for wholeness as individuals and in community is always happening, even if we can’t find that story shouted from the 24 hour droning of CNN and mainstream media – which is why Kindred and its nonprofit, alternative media mission exists!
You can support Kindred Parent Liberation Alliance and Project here, and the Parenting As A Hero's Journey Project here. Visit our Donation page to find a variety of ways to support Kindred in your daily online shopping or local dining activities.
Kindred magazine, until its final print issue in March 2009 (download all back issues), had over the seven years of its life become one of the world’s, and certainly Australia’s, best and most informative eco-parenting magazine. Full of groundbreaking research and parent-friendly information, it was an independent voice for reason and intelligence not beholden to corporate PR and spin. Kindred depends upon nonprofit donations to exist, so please give generously. Today, Families for Conscious Living, an American 501C3 nonprofit, is carrying forward Kindred and its vision of connecting our human family around the modern version of the ancient campfire, the internet, where we can share our dreams and fashion our new story of human family in a complex and evolving world. To support FCL and Kindred, please visit our Guidestar page for our nonprofit information and Great Nonprofits for some passionate reviews.