The Beginning…
The Beginning…
Do you ever wish you could change the world? We believe that every mother has this power. From the moment of conception, through the early years of life, every mother is changing the world through the mother-baby bond. The connection that is formed between a mother and her child lays the foundation for who that child will be and how he will interact with the world. If we want a peaceful world, we need to focus on becoming conscious parents with the intent to be peaceful, loving and kind in that role.
The first step to becoming a conscious parent is developing an awareness of who you are and how you relate to the world. This is critically important during conception, pregnancy, and early parenting because who you are and how you feel affects the development and personality of your baby. When babies are conceived in a trusting, peaceful, loving state they are literally formed in love.
This blog will provide opportunities for all parents to contemplate their habits, their environment, and all of their relationships, including the relationships with themselves, their partners, their family and their friends. All of these things affect how one feels from moment to moment. They impact one’s health and stress levels, which in turn affect one’s hormones, emotions, thoughts, and fertility.
Additionally, we will discuss the critical importance of the connection between the mind, body, spirit and baby. We call this the motherbaby bond. The motherbaby bond is a concept found our book, The Greatest Pregnancy Ever: Keys to the MotherBaby Bond due to be released this fall. We look forward to sharing fascinating news about recent scientific discoveries on how the motherbaby bond influences our world.
So Who Are You?
Do you feel bonded to your baby during this pregnancy?
How do you encourage that bond?
What, if anything, do you want to change about your pregnancy?
What are your greatest challenges to being a conscious parenting during pregnancy?
We look forward to hearing form you and working together to create joyful, healthy and conscious pregnancies!
I am not pregnant but work with pregnant couples and new families and cannot wait to read this book. I really think it will change the way we all look at preconception, conception, pregnancy, birth and bonding with newborns!
I am excited to read this book. I think it will have great impact on expectant parents and am excited about the message. More parents need to awaken to the fact that bonding and parenthood begins BEFORE the baby arrives. Thank you for this amazing work!
Thank you ladies for your posts. Tracy and I are so excited to bring this work to fruition. We feel we have been called to do this work and as childbirth and lactation educators and doulas for close to two decades a piece, we have seen first hand what disconnection brings to families and what amazing results unfold when moms have an opportunity to bond in utero. We look forward to sharing new information about this incredible period for a mother and baby, and fathers!