Science Confirms Our Ancestors’ Intuitions* Our ancestors were deeply intelligent. About two million years ago we evolved cooperative child raising, which…
Babies Love Rhyming Time "Rhymers will be readers; it's that simple. Experts in literacy and child development have discovered that if…
Localization Begins With Meeting the Needs Of Babies Darcia Narvaez is a Professor Emerita of Psychology (University of Notre Dame), and Fellow of the American…
Can We Replace Conquistador Mind in the Nursery? Parents have a rough go of it. They white-water raft their way through the days and nights of balancing child…
The Unmentionable Reason Human Wellbeing is on the Rocks The collapse of wellbeing in the USA continues. The reports year by year show a downward trajectory of wellbeing,…
Trends in Birth Psychology: Prenatal and Perinatal Somatics… Otto Rank first published his little book, The Trauma of Birth, in German (Das Trauma der Geburt) in 1924, one…
The Loneliness Epidemic Eating Our Hearts (and Bodies) There are three types of loneliness. Pay attention to feelings of loneliness like you would hunger or thirst. The…
How Babies Learn the Story of Separation Charles Eisenstein, in his book, The More Beautiful World Our Heart Knows is Possible, discusses how we are stuck…
Why Me? Read the Chapter from Please Don’t Cut The… Please Don’t Cut the Baby! A Nurse’s Memoir, by Marilyn Fayre Milos, will be available for purchase on February…
How Conscious Are Babies In The Womb? How much are we aware of while in our Mother’s wombs? In this conversation with Stephanie Mines we discuss the…