Robin Grille… in a Boat on the Thames River! A Video Interview
Robin Grille, Interview, author of ‘Parenting for a Peaceful World’ and ‘Heart to Heart Parenting’ from Elmer Postle on Vimeo.
A stimulating interview with Robin Grille, leading psychohistorian and author of ‘Parenting for a Peaceful World’. Grille describes a fascinating vision of the development of childrearing and how paying attention to how we raise our children pays dividends of peace.
Read more from Robin Grille on Kindred:
Heart to Heart Parenting, an Excerpt from the New Book by Robin Grille
We Were Never Meant to Do It Alone
From Horror to Hope: The Evolution of Child-rearing
Postnatal Depression: Mental Illness or Natural Reaction?
Parent Guilt – A Silent Epidemic