Why Breastfeed? Build a Better Brain
If you have any doubts about the massive benefits of breastfeeding, you have not been paying attention. Here is the latest.
The latest findings show significant differences in brain development between those who had breastmilk for the first three months of life and those who did not. Testing 133 children between the ages of 10 months and 4 years, Deoni and colleagues (2013) found that those who had at least 3 months of breastfeeding had greater white matter development.
Those who had breastmilk exclusively and for a longer period showed better development of white matter. White matter, which includes glial cells and myelinated axons, was more developed in breastfed infants, especially in later maturing frontal and association brain areas, including areas associated with better performance on cognitive and behavioral measures.
The early months and years of life are when, according to a child’s maturational schedule, white matter is scheduled to develop quickly. When the window for maturation passes, it may be difficult to make up for it. For example, in prior research with adolescents those who were breastfed, in comparison to those fed formula exclusively, had a thicker cortex, with greater white and sub-cortical gray matter (neurons), including parietal lobe size, associated with IQ (Hallowell and Spatz, 2012; Isaacs et al., 2010).
Celebrate Breastfeeding Month (August) by telling teenagers and expectant parents about its benefits!
For more information about breastmilk in comparison to formula, see this series of posts:
Post 1 discusses why you should care about breastfeeding, no matter who you are.
Post 2 discusses assumptions about infant formula that are wrong.
Post 3 discusses the TREMENDOUS benefits of doing what is normal: breastfeeding.
Post 4 addresses myths about breastfeeding.
**Check out our YouTube video talk on breastfeeding vs. formula.**
Post 5 discusses real truths about breastfeeding.
Post 6 addresses if pushing formula is evil.
Post 7 gives the bottom line about breastfeeding vs. formula.
Post 8: Stand up for breastfeeding.
Post 9: Talk about breastfeeding with your family, friends and doctor
Deoni, S.C.L. Dean III, D.C., Piryatinksy, I., O’Muircheartaigh, J., Waskiewicz, N., Lehman, K., Han, M., & Dirks, H. (2013). Breastfeeding and early white matter development: A cross-sectional study. Neuroimage, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.05.090
Hallowell, S.G., Spatz, D.L., 2012. The relationship of brain development and breastfeeding in the late-preterm infant. J. Pediatr. Nurs. 27, 154–162.
Isaacs, E.B., Fischl, B.R., Quinn, B.T., Chong, W.K., Gadian, D.G., Lucas, A., 2010. Impact of breast milk on intelligence quotient, brain size, and white matter development. Pediatr. Res. 67, 357–362.