A Vegetable Growing Cheat Sheet [infographic]


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By  from Good To Be Home, reprinted with permission

We are right in the middle of vegetable-planting season, the sun is shining, and we’ve wanted to grow our own veg for a while now, but the thought of knowing where to plant them, how far apart the different vegetables should be, and how long they need to grow can become daunting if you plan on doing more that one at a time.

Infographic and embed code below. Click here to download the vegetable growing cheat sheet for print and mobile.

Lucky for us all, we’ve been working on a solution to this problem. Good to be Home’s downloadable Vegetable Growing Cheat Sheet is a complete chart of all the vegetables you may want to grow this summer.

10 Things this Vegetable Growing Cheat Sheet will show you

  1. When to plant
  2. How far apart to plant seeds
  3. What needs propagating
  4. What needs to be in a greenhouse
  5. What size pot to plant in
  6. Distance to thin seedlings out to
  7. Germination & maturation times
  8. Which pests to look out for
  9. What veg works best together
  10. When to harvest!

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