Saving Chase: Will A Court-Sanctioned Circumcision Of 4-year-old Be Stopped?
If all unfolds according to Dennis Nebus’ plan, today Dr. Subhash Puranik will pick up a scalpel and cut apart the genitals of a healthy 4-year-old boy.
The boy’s name is Chase Nebus-Hironimus. He is Nebus’ son.
For readers accustomed to regarding the cosmetic removal of a male’s foreskin as a normal medical procedure, the above sentence is jolting. Cutting apart healthy genitals? What is she talking about?
Read Amy Glenn’s full story here
Photo: Guardians of Chase/Facebook
About Saving Chase
On November 6, 2014, a Florida court ordered the circumcision of a healthy four year old boy, a painful and risky surgery for young boys, at the insistence of his father. The boy’s name is Chase and his mother, Heather Hironimus, is fighting a battle to save him.
In December 2011, Chase’s mother signed a parenting agreement which gave Chase’s father permission to have their (then) baby boy circumcised. Three years later, Chase is still intact, happy and healthy.
Heather Hironimus realized over the years that removing Chase’s foreskin was unnecessary. She argues that the parenting plan circumcision agreement no longer applies to a now older, and more aware, boy.
Pediatric urologist Dr. Charles Flack testified to the court that circumcision is not medically necessary after examining the boy.
Genital autonomy advocates believe Chase’s physical and mental health are at risk. He is aware of his body and does not want to have surgery on his genitals. Amputating a healthy, functional body part is a violation of basic human rights and medical ethics.
The purpose of this site is to draw attention to Chase’s case and to provide a place for concerned citizens to support Heather’s struggle.
We are a coalition of activists committed to saving Chase from a tragic and violent invasion of his body. Funds are collected by Doctors Opposing Circumcision, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Please visit our donate page to support Chase. If you would like to contribute to our efforts in other ways, please contact us through our contact page.
Intact America. Intact America works to protect babies and children from circumcision and all other forms of medically unnecessary genital alteration, whether carried out for cultural conformity or profit, in medical or non-medical settings. We seek to achieve our goals through education, advocacy, public policy reform, and the empowerment of our supporters, partners, and volunteers. You can read our Statement of Principles here.
National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers. NOCIRC was founded by healthcare professionals to provide information to expectant parents, healthcare professionals, educators, lawyers, ethicists, and concerned individuals about circumcision and genital cutting of male, female, and intersex infants and children, genital integrity, and human rights.
National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM), Information and Support Group on Foreskin Restoration
National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males, NOHARMM,
Activist Organization for Men
Nurses for the Rights of the Child, NRC, Conscientious Objector Information for Nurses
Doctors Opposing Circumcision, DOC, Physician Information and Networking
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, ARC
Jewish Circumcision Resource Center
Why Circumcision Is Medically Unnecessary And The History Of The Barbaric Mutilation Of Neonates
An interview with John Travis, MD, by Kindred’s executive editor, Lisa Reagan, in 2011