Why Awareness Isn’t Enough: Mental Health Awareness Month Needs More
While May is traditionally Mental Health Awareness Month, this video was published on June 3, 2021, as a response to the presenter’s belief that awareness is not enough, we must also have acceptance of any issue before we take action.
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From Lena Kalotihos about her TED Talk above:
Change is all around us and within us, whether we like it or not. But how does change really work? In honor of May’s National Mental Health Awareness Month, I want to emphasize how the concept of awareness is often a hyper emphasized step in the process of change, and how there’s actually much more to change than just that. Through my own turbulent journey with mental health, I would ultimately discover the three A’s of change: awareness, acceptance, and action.
Lena is a San Francisco native, coffee aficionado, semi-professional photographer, and a first-year psychology student at Sarah Lawrence College in the greater NYC area. They are passionate about mental health reform, public transit equality, and having authentic conversations with open individuals. Lena also dabbles in web design and is an avid runner.