From Nuremberg To California: Why Informed Consent Matters In The 21st…
NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher calls for rejection of utilitarianism as the foundation of public health laws and the embracing of a more…
She has authored position statements and articles that have contributed to the national dialogue about vaccine safety and informed consent, including “The Moral Right to Conscientious, Philosophical and Personal Belief Exemption to Vaccination” (National Vaccine Advisory Committee 1997); “Shots in the Dark” (The Next City Magazine 1999); “Smallpox and Forced Vaccination: What Every American Needs to Know” (The Vaccine Reaction 2002); “In the Wake of Vaccines” (Mothering Magazine 2004); and “Vaccines, Autism & Chronic Inflammation: The New Epidemic” (Autism File 2009).
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