Found 262 users.

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Charles Eisenstein

I will give you some of my background, although the intense transitions of the last few years have left me...

Sarah Farrant, DC

Dr. Sarah Farrant has become the ‘tell it like it is’, no fluff, mentor to moms. She is the founder...

Gina Hassan, PhD

Gina Hassan, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in working with pregnant and postpartum women, and has a particular...

Anne Addison

In 1996, following a near-death experience during pregnancy, Anne became an advocate for maternal health. In 1999, she founded the Preeclampsia...

Maha Al Hindi

Maha Al Musa is a mother of three gorgeous children - two sons and a daughter, writer, human rights activist,...

Peter Aldin

Peter Aldin is founder of Great Circle Life Coaching. For over a decade, he has provided coaching, workshops and training...

Dieudonne A. Allo

About Allo, Founder of APEA A father of three, I was motivated by my own lived experiences as an African...

Mark Alok O'Brien

Alok O’Brien is a writer and social activist, and founding editor of Kindred magazine. Having spent many years involved in...

Miguel Altieri, PhD

Miguel A. Altieri, PhD from the University of California, Berkeley is a world traveller, spending six months of the year...

Waleed Aly

Waleed Aly is an author and a lecturer in politics at Monash University, and works within that university’s Global Terrorism...

Raphaela Angelou

Raphaela Angelou has written for Good Medicine (2000) and Wellbeing (2005), among other publications.

Suzanne Arms

About Suzanne Arms, founder of Birthing the Future and author, Immaculate Deception. She's a familiar name to many from her seven groundbreaking books (on...

Suzie Arnett

Susie Arnett is a writer, producer, mother, friend, and partner living in Los Angeles, CA.

Kathy Arnos

I am a health and environmental writer/activist, and have authored two books – The Complete Teething Guide, and Bach Flowers...

Molly Arthur

Molly Arthur is a native San Franciscan; she graduated from UC Berkeley and has had extensive experience working with startups...

Dr. Judy Atikinson

Dr. Judy Atikinson is a Professor at Geneevee College of Indigenous Australian Peoples, Southern Cross University. The Natural Birth Education...

Lara Audelo, CLEC

Lara Audelo is the mother of two young boys, and a passionate breastfeeding educator and advocate. She believes increased education...

Jane Ayers

Jane Ayers Media is a nonprofit, 501c3, affiliated with the International Humanities Center (Malibu, CA), and directed by Jane Ayers,...

Marion Badenoch Rose

I’m fascinated with pregnancy, birth, and parenting, and have an extensive background in infant and child development spanning more than...

Jannine Barron

Jannine Barron is founding CEO of She is a mother of two boys and is passionate about organics and...

Colin Beavan

The resulting “transformative adjustments” that people make allow them to live more in line with their true values and aspirations,...

Michael Belkin

Michael Belkin is a world-renowned financial analyst. He was a financial forecaster and statistician uninvolved in medical policy until his...

Nick Bernabe

Nick Bernabe is the founder of, an alternative media aggregation site. He is also the Director of social media...

Steve Bhaerman

Steve Bhaerman is an internationally known author, humorist, and workshop leader. For the past 23 years, he has written and performed...

Fleur Bickford BSc., RN, IBCLC

Fleur Bickford is a mother of two, an RN, IBCLC and retired LLLL. She worked in obstetrics as an RN...

Improving Birth

Improving Birth is made up of moms and the people who care for us. Our mission is to bring evidence-based...

Linda Bonvie

Linda Bonvie (pictured with her cat, Stevia, is a journalist, author, and consumer advocate with 20 years of experience around food...

Angela Braden

From penning tight write-ups for the clever readers of to serving as Beauty Editor for Lucire (New Zealand's Vanity...

Paige Bradley

Born in Carmel, California Paige Bradley knew she would be an artist by the age of nine. Immersed in nature...

Mark Brady PhD

Mark Brady, Ph.D. is a neuroscience educator, writer and retired licensed homebuilder. Many years ago, together with friends, he co-founded...

John Breeding, PhD

John has been a psychologist for over 25 years, working with adults, children and families in Austin, Texas and around...

Karen Brody

Karen Brody is a mother of two and the founder of Bold Tranquility, a rest revolution for women using yoga...

Kelly Brogan

Kelly Brogan, MD is a holistic women’s health psychiatry focused on the identification of root causes of symptoms and natural...

Brené Brown, PhD, LMSW

About | Brené Brown, Ph.D. Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of...

Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat

Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat have been covering contemporary culture and the spiritual renaissance for four decades. They are the...

Sarah Buckley, M.D.

Sarah J Buckley is a trained GP/family physician with qualifications in GP-obstetrics and family planning. She is the mother of...

Annie Burnside, M.Ed.

A modern bridge between the mainstream and the mystical, Annie Burnside M.Ed. is a soul nurturer, award-winning author, public speaker...

Marianna Cacciatore

Marianna has worked for over 25 yrs with people who are working to bring about a better world and because...

Gary Caganoff

Gary Caganoff has a Masters of Applied Science in Social Ecology as well as a Graduate Diploma in Transpersonal Psychotherapy....

Meryn Callander

Meryn G. Callander is the author of the groundbreaking book, Why Dads Leave: Insights and Resources for When Partners Become...