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Heart Intelligence
The Way of the Wild Soul Woman
From The Mountain Woman Section of The Way of the Wild Soul Woman, by Mary Reynolds Thompson
There is tension at the core of life, beneath the…
Raising Children Who Won’t Have To Recover From Childhood: A…
About Pam Leo
Pam Leo, is a family literacy activist, a read-aloud advocate, founder of the Book Fairy Pantry Project, the author of Connection Parenting,…
Interbeing and Slow Movement: What My Grandfather Knew
The hallmark of our modern life is a faster and faster tempo, leaving no room for the body to digest and integrate our experience. The simplest way to step…
What Are The Origins of Our Moral Capacities?
What are the origins of our moral capacities?
That’s the question we explore in this episode of The Ideas Hour, co-hosted by David Cameron and Suzanne…
The Great Physician: Medicinal Poetry for the Anthropocene, Earth Day…
You are invited to join the live launch party on April 22, 2024 at 3 p.m. ET. The Great Physician will be launched on Earth Day 2024, with virtual poetry…
Normalizing Nurturing: A Discussion with the Authors of Attached at the…
“Applying the wisdom in this book is nothing short of revolutionary
for the fulfillment of our birthright of connection and a sense of belonging.” ~ Alanis…
Soul-Centered Strategies for the New Year: A Thoughtful Planning Toolkit
If you are like me, you resist the notion of New Year’s resolutions. The whole idea can wreak of performance, pressure, and obligation. But we would be remiss…
Attached At The Heart
“Applying the wisdom in this book is nothing short of revolutionary for the fulfillment of our birthright of connection and a sense of belonging.” ~ Alanis…
28 Days of Solo Play: Learning To Play As An Adult
Editor's Note: Join Kindred and the Evolved Nest Initiative on our social media platforms starting September 2023, for 28 Days of Solo Play! Check out the…
Decolonizing Our Bodies to Liberate Intelligence
1. the action of cutting off a person's or animal's limbs.
2. the action of partitioning or dividing up a territory or organization.…