Mullumbimby Herbals

Each issue Mullumbimby Herbals will feature a naturopathic and herbal perspective of health issues. Questions and answers as well as related articles will be featured. To introduce this department for our inaugural issue, following the Q & A are personal introductions from our Health writers Jacinta McEwen and Elvian Drysdale.

Since this is the first issue of byronchild it seems appropriate to start at the beginning of the choices (conscious ones at least) that can be made around optimal possible health of our children. Ideally preconception care would mean both parents clearing unhealthy habits of both the mind and body. In ayurvedic and naturopathic medicine a lot of emphasis is placed on this time. Cleansing of toxins from both parents’ bodies followed by pure (sattwic) diet suitable to one’s constitution.

Along with this cleansing of old conditioning (sanskaras if you like) use whichever methods you like; the more traditional ones like Yoga, Meditation, Fasting, Chanting etc. or whatever purifying regimes appeal. Maybe a Tantric workshop so you and your mate can increase and uplift your energies together (not too tantric though or the next stage i.e. conception, will take a very long time!).  

Visioning or dreaming your child to you, or simply being clear of your wish to conceive, is a beautiful way to begin the journey with him/her. Somehow in your own way sending out the invitation. There are herbs, vitamins, minerals and flower remedies that can assist as well, if conceiving is difficult. Both Jacinta and Elvian (at Mullum Herbals) have years of experience in this field.

Once conception has occurred many changes happen both physically and emotionally for the parents. This is now a good time for the pregnant woman to make sure she has plenty of vitamins and minerals etc. available for her growing child to draw upon. Various pills/preparations may be chosen here especially if time is restricted, otherwise herbs come into their own eg. Shatavari for strength, immunity and overall health. Nettles for folic acid, iron and B-vitamins. Raspberry leaf to tone and strengthen the uterus. Slippery elm is often my first choice for alleviating morning sickness, as well as ginger, Black Horehound, NuxVomica etc.


“I was the eighth of ten children raised in the South Australian bush. My Mum had incredible common sense and a learned ability to cope with situations and emergencies. The nearest hospital was hours away so she mainly dealt with things at home using whatever was available.

I brought this common sense approach into my own life as a nurse and then as a mother and later a naturopath. My first child I birthed at home in a little stone cottage in the Adelaide Hills. We had no electricity or running water and many people questioned me on my choice to birth there. My Mum however said “don’t worry, I know you’ll be fine” (which confirmed my own strong feeling), and I was lucky to take this encouragement into a wonderful birth and the ensuing single parenting that followed.   

Somehow it seemed I had to fight the “establishment” at lots of phases during my children’s lives. In the days of my eldest boy’s infant years (16 years ago) I was coming from and no longer choosing the medical models as necessarily the best health choices, and I was determined not to vaccinate him. Again my mother was one of the few supportive people, everyone else thought I was irresponsible, until eventually I organised a gathering and presented a whole wad of information supporting my case!!

This, and many other choices I have made, (water birthing was another one) regarding the short and long term well being of my children have not been taken lightly. It’s easy I feel to make certain choices around health and lifestyle for oneself but somehow when it is your own child then you have to be even surer.

Studying Natural Medicine seemed to flow on with becoming a parent, as did becoming an assistant midwife. The basis of a strong immune system built in pregnancy and nurtured throughout childhood drew me to look at different diet options, herbs and other “least harm” medicines. This love of health on the physical, emotional and spiritual level continues to inspire me to learn more. I practise and teach Yoga and meditation but consider parenting to also be my spiritual path. I am also studying Ayurvedic medicine to integrate even further the cyclic and rhythmic aspects of health and healing within mind body and soul.”


“Sixteen years ago (1986) an 8 month-old baby was put in my arms, about 1 month later his two sisters, 4 and 6 came to live with me as well. Their mother had had enough of isolated nuclear family life. Doing it on her own while her partner was off working all the time left her using drugs to cope, confused and psychologically imbalanced. In a supportive community I could have come along as friend or sister and aided her. However I was called in as a nanny after the damage was already done.    

There I was, 23 years old and 3 young children to care for on an isolated property far from family or community. I was about to embark on a journey of extreme learning. A learning of family, parenting, child health and adult health.
“OK, where is that course on Motherhood??
“Oh yes. that is the ‘learn as you go one’!!”

Luckily I had a bit of an interest in natural health and alternative living. I soon decided to study naturopathy. As I studied I had the great fortune of experiencing first hand every childhood illness three times over! As well as the coughs and colds, flus fevers etc, all of which to a first time mother can be very disconcerting.

I found that I was learning many ways in which a mother or grandmother of days gone by dealt with these illnesses in the home. Much of the naturopathic knowledge is about preventing the illness by keeping health and immunity clear and strong. By learning these skills I found myself empowered as a mother. I did not have to run off to another authority at the sign of any discomfort of my children. Yes, I have used doctors and have been grateful to them in cases of broken bones or deep gashes etc. However, I have now raised 5 children immunisation-free (that’s a big topic we will discuss another time) and mostly drug-free.

In my life and work I aim to empower other parents with the knowledge of what they can do for their own and their children’s health.”

All the best from Jacinta and Elvian of Mullumbimby Herbals

Published in Issue 1, byronchild/Kindred, March 02

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