Photo by Mothering Staff, property of Lisa Reagan

“30 Years Of The Natural Parenting Movement” With Peggy O’Mara

Photo caption: Lisa Reagan and Peggy O’Mara with Mothering staff touching “Star Belly” – the Mothering Magazine mascot and office icon in Santa Fe, NM, in 2004. Lisa served as Mothering’s East Coast Editor-at-Large in the early 2000s. Listen to her talk with Peggy O’Mara below, Mothering’s founder, about her 30 years participating in the natural parenting movement.

Peggy O’Mara, founder of Mothering Magazine, shares over thirty years of insights into the growing conscious parenting movement that began with her questioning cultural norms that did not support family wellness. You can visit her now at her new site: Peggy was the Editor and Publisher of Mothering Magazine from 1980 to 2011. In 1995 she founded and was its editor-in-chief until 2012. Peggy’s books include Natural Family Living, Having a Baby Naturally, and A Quiet Place. She has presented at Omega Institute, Esalen, Bioneers and La Leche League, International.

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