The Marketing of Circumcision’s Lack of Medical Ethics

How Parents Are Sold On Circumcision By Medical Societies

Why do doctors still perform circumcisions when “no medical society in the world” recommends it as medically necessary?  What do doctors say behind closed doors to one another about the lost business of NOT circumcising?  What do parents need to know about the marketing of circumcision?  How do you know you are making an informed, conscious choice with such a well designed campaign to play on your fears and push you to status quo compliance?

“I think the marketing of circumcision should be taught at major business schools as one of the most ingenious campaigns ever launched.  Every objection has been managed.  Every possible fear has been dug up and dangled… The part of me that is a lawyer that marvels at an opponent’s excellent argument stands in complete, utter awe of the people who market this,” says John V. Geisheker, JD, LLM, executive director of Doctors Opposing Circumcision, DOC.

WATCH: John V. Geisheker, JD, LLM, Executive Director of Doctors Opposing Circumcision discusses marketing circumcision and the lack of medical ethics in doctors who profit from genital abuse of children.


Circumcision Information Resources

May The Foreskin Be With You
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Intact AmericaIntact America works to protect babies and children from circumcision and all other forms of medically unnecessary genital alteration, whether carried out for cultural conformity or profit, in medical or non-medical settings. We seek to achieve our goals through education, advocacy, public policy reform, and the empowerment of our supporters, partners, and volunteers. You can read our Statement of Principles here.

National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers. NOCIRC was founded by healthcare professionals to provide information to expectant parents, healthcare professionals, educators, lawyers, ethicists, and concerned individuals about circumcision and genital cutting of male, female, and intersex infants and children, genital integrity, and human rights.

National Organization of Restoring Men (NORM), Information and Support Group on Foreskin Restoration

National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males, NOHARMM, 
Activist Organization for Men

Nurses for the Rights of the Child, NRC, Conscientious Objector Information for Nurses

Doctors Opposing Circumcision, DOC, Physician Information and Networking

Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, ARC

Jewish Circumcision Resource Center

Jews Against Circumcision


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