An Indigenous Worldview Can Preserve Our Existence, A New Video
About the video
Narrated by Kindred contributor and editorial advisory board member, Four Arrows, this video shows how our dominant ways of life are guided by an underlying worldview that has been the main driver behind climate change, pandemics and extinction rates. Overwhelming evidence reveals that our original Indigenous, nature-based worldview is an antidote. Supporting and Re-embracing this interconnected way of living is the most urgent course of action we must take.
A recent United Nations extinction rate report refers to the disregard for this worldview as the major reason for current ecological disasters, and notes that where the Indigenous worldview is operating today, thriving biodiversity is maintained. Read more on this report here.
Please take time to enjoy this production by MDF and a Team of United Nations Volunteering Service including International Fulbright Scholars lead by Four Arrows of Fielding Graduate University and Maria Garcia Pina.
Read more on Indigenous Worldview on Kindred.
See the New Story Glossary for more on Indigenous Worldview.
The Film’s Script
Indigenous worldview can preserve our existence
The Earth is suffering. Climate change, pollution, and pandemics are some of the consequences of human-created assaults on our world. According to the United Nations Biodiversity Report, one million more species face imminent extinction, including us.
We must live on earth differently, if not for ourselves, for future generations. 80% of global biodiversity now exists on only 20% of the Earth. It is no coincidence that this small amount of land is mostly managed by Indigenous cultures. According to 450 multi-disciplinary scientists, extinction rates have been less severe or avoided entirely in these areas held by Indigenous people.
We can all learn to live with greater respect for our no- human life forms. This is possible if we embrace the worldview that has guided us throughout our existence on this planet. In contrast to the dominant worldview, the indigenous one truly emphasizes our relationship to the land, the environment, and all its interconnected inhabitants. Without remembering this oneness with all of life, we are doomed. Regional and global scenarios currently lack explicit considerations of the Indigenous worldview.
It is also important that we do our best to protect and support the remaining Indigenous cultures. They are fighting against all odds, to protect the last of Earth’s biodiversity.
And while doing this, we can all reembrace the worldview indigenous peoples share. We can come to understand that human relationship with nature is a continuous two-way dialogue; that natural resources are better thought of as relatives and teachers. Gratitude is essential. The universe is constantly in flux. Time is circular. Respect for diversity equality and justice is crucial. Spirit is in all things. And that human knowledge must be joined by a fearless trust in the unknowable mysteries of nature.
Let us remember who we really are and re-establish our intended way of being with respect, generosity, gratitude and of course, the happiness that comes from this.
Mitakuye Oyasin. We are all related.