10 Words To Move From Burnout To Buoyancy
Read the full article from Dr. Stephanie Mines exclusively on Kindred to discover your path out of burnout and toward buoyancy.
10 Words To Move From Burnout To Buoyancy
When we recognize the emotional needs that have been held in abeyance and masked by compensatory addictions, and meet them in the present, the need to over-extend, the key impulse for burnout, evaporates. This interruption in habituated behaviors dissipates and we are freed to live in the spontaneous and highly individuated way that is our birthright. This makes it possible to fulfill our passions, even in the midst of chaos and world collapse, and to be of service to others without burnout. We recognize, easily and with common sense, that over-extending is Sisyphean and endless. We let go of the burden of heroic rescuing and instead embody our collective partnership as voices for our living earth and all beings, seen and unseen. We allow ourselves to be helped, and to be collaborative. We surrender to the truth that we are part of a movement, not the sole sacrificial hero. Read the full post.
Allostasis: The process by which the body responds to stress in order to regain homeostasis.
Allostatic Load: The cost of chronic exposure to elevated or fluctuating endocrine or neural responses resulting from chronic or repeated challenges that the individual experiences as stressful.
Burnout: A response to stressors that results in exhaustion, despair, a sense of ineffectiveness, and sometimes cynicism, and flat affect, or a frozen, unengaged detachment. Each individual will experience burnout differently so this is a generalization.
Exposome: The exposome (Wild, 2005) represents the totality of exposures from conception onwards, simultaneously identifying, characterizing, and quantifying the exogenous and endogenous exposures and modifiable risk factors that predispose to and predict diseases throughout a person’s life span.
Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; buoyancy. The ability to bounce back from stress, trauma or even shock.
Secondary Traumatization: The indirect exposure to trauma through a firsthand account or narrative of a traumatic event. This can also occur from witnessing trauma and shock or hearing it.
Self-Regulation: The fact of something such as an organization regulating itself without intervention from external bodies. In psychological terms this refers to the capacity to manage your own activation by noticing it, calming it, redirecting it in a healthy way.
Shock: The body’s response to cumulative, repetitive trauma or experiences that completely overwhelm the capacity of that individual’s nervous system to identify resources.
Traumatic Repetition: Traumatic repetitions could be seen as the result of an attempt to retrospectively “master” the original trauma, a child’s play, for instance, as an attempt to turn passivity into activity. It is also the behavioral repetition of the trauma by a person of any age either consciously or unconsciously as a doomed way to change the circumstances. Traumatic repetition is usually the result of neuronal consolidation or habituated patterns. Addictions are a form of traumatic repetition.
Vicarious Retraumatization: Loss of hope and spiritual connection. Over-enmeshment with the trauma and suffering of others. This may manifest as illness, lethargy or lack of motivation.