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Emotional Intelligence
Soul-Centered Strategies for the New Year: A Thoughtful Planning Toolkit
If you are like me, you resist the notion of New Year’s resolutions. The whole idea can wreak of performance, pressure, and obligation. But we would be remiss…
28 Days of Solo Play: Learning To Play As An Adult
Editor's Note: Join Kindred and the Evolved Nest Initiative on our social media platforms starting September 2023, for 28 Days of Solo Play! Check out the…
Decolonizing Our Bodies to Liberate Intelligence
1. the action of cutting off a person's or animal's limbs.
2. the action of partitioning or dividing up a territory or organization.…
Facing Our Climate Change Fear With Our Original Brilliance: Stephanie…
Stephanie Mines, founder of Climate Change and Consciousness and the TARA Approach, moved to Hawaii this summer, days before the Maui wildfires broke. The…
Trust What You Cannot See
A Crone Speak Poem Connecting Lineage and Earth
Staying Sane In The Next Five Years
Charles Eisenstein: "This video contains information not only on a cognitive level. It IS an aspect of the very thing it describes."
Women Need These Four Things To Thrive
In 1992, American author and relationship counselor, John Gray, wrote the seminal book Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus. It was one of the first books of…
This One Spiritual Principle Can Dramatically Shift Your Relationships
In Uncle Bob’s cosmology this principle is called Kanyini – which means unconditional love with responsibility.
Ten Not Soft Skillsets of Emotional Intelligence
In the 25-plus years since the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman was published, people still misunderstand the concept. I see this frequently…
How to Take Back Power When You’ve Lost It
“Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love,” said Dr.!-->…