Spring Renewal

Spring seemed to come earlier this year for many of us. In spring mother nature wakes up after winter and begins sprouting and growing. Energy moves up and out, the natural world is blooming and flowering, full of colour and greenery. Generally we become more energetic as we too wake up after winter (especially if we’ve done a spring cleanse!! — see  this column in byronchild, June 06, Vol 18).

Many people experience ‘spring colds’ or flus as the accumulated congestion and toxins of winter start to liquefy and are released from their bodies. The symptoms are familiar, such as runny nose, coughs, congestion, headaches, an achy body and sometimes fever. Spring is also the season of increased pollen, so hayfever and allergies also become more common.

If you or your children tend to get these conditions then it is a good idea to reduce or avoid heavy, oily foods, sugar and dairy, especially in this season. Our bodies are busy eliminating toxins and re-strengthening immunity, so reducing heavy or toxic input means we have enough energy to bounce into spring and summer.

One of the best remedies for colds is ginger. Ginger, lemon and honey drinks are suitable for the whole family. Ginger will greatly relieve cold symptoms when used internally as well as externally. Try fresh ginger and licorice tea or try the simple Ayurvedic mixture of equal parts fresh ginger, lemongrass and cinnamon sticks. Add honey to taste (but never heat honey as many of its healing properties will be destroyed).

Overwork and lack of sleep reduce our vitality and resistance to disease in a very short time, as does stress. So finding a balance in your life, between how much you give out and how much you nurture yourself and put back in, is vital for ongoing health and vitality. We all need periods of relaxation and rejuvenation.

An old favorite treatment, the wet-heating compress, can be a great aid at this time of year.

When there is congestion in the chest or throat, as in bronchitis, colds and allergies, the wet heating compress is one of the most useful treatments there is. This simple, free, home-healing practice has proven itself time and time again. I remember using this compress whilst travelling on a train when my three-year-old couldn’t stop coughing and was keeping everyone awake around us — it worked within minutes.

I have used it on my children on numerous occasions when they have been coughing heavily at night. All that is needed is cloth of fine texture (like a handkerchief), a plastic strip (like plastic wrap) that is wider than the cloth and long enough to go around the treated area, and a soft cloth (like an old towel or scarf) to wrap around and promote warmth. So any time there is cough, inflammation or congestion follow these steps.

1 Wet the fine textured cloth or hanky in tepid water and wring it out.
2 Place this cloth next to the skin all around the neck (for coughs and sore throats) or place on the area to be treated (like the chest), but do not overlap.
3 Overlay the wet cloth with the plastic and seal (ie press down the edges) so it is as air tight as possible.                                                                                        
4 Over the top wrap around the old towel or scarf (or soft material).
5 Leave on for one to two hours (or it is fine for a child to go to bed with this on and simply remove it after a few hours).

The benefit of this process comes through the evaporation of the water, which causes the cloth to cool. Your body then sends more blood to warm up that area and thus the circulation to the affected area is increased. This increased blood flow more quickly carries away the toxins and poisons causing the congestion and discomfort. How often the pack should be applied depends upon the severity of the patient’s condition, for instance a mild to moderate chest cold may necessitate only a single application before going to bed while a more severe case would require the pack to be renewed every two hours, night or day, until relief is obtained. Try it and if you have any questions then ring us for more info at Mullum Herbals.

There are many wonderful herbs, homoeopathics, and essential oils too, which can help ease symptoms of spring dis-ease. Plant a few favorite herbs in your garden like lavender, thyme and sage and then drink the fresh leaf as tea or put a few leaves in boiling water and inhale the steam to move congestion.

For a great vitamin C and antioxidant source, (and a nourishing tonic for the whole family), try the Ayurvedic Chywanprash. It’s like a slightly spicy jam made predominantly from amalaki berries and kids love it. We’ve found it to be an easy to take tonic and multivitamin, which really makes a difference for people.

Another product we’ve been getting great feedback for is the ayurvedic Koff Nil. As the name suggests it kills coughs!! It works quickly and is easy to take, even in the middle of the night. Or you may consider an Immune Boosting herbal mixture, especially if you are a bit low in energy or if there are colds around you.

For me, this time of year brings a renewal of more healthy habits. It can be a great time to try something new, like that yoga class you’ve always intended to go to, or the deep breathing or meditation you never quite get around to! As it warms up, outdoor exercise becomes easier. Instilling good healthy habits, like a walk together in nature with your children, will certainly improve the health of your whole family in mind body and spirit.

Published in byronchild/Kindred, issue 19, Sept 06



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