“Whip ‘Em Out!” – International Videos Promoting Breastfeeding
It’s World Breastfeeding Week and National Breastfeeding Month and in some places, it’s World Breastfeeding Month!
Check out these public service announcements promoting breastfeeding around the world:
American from 2010, Courtesy of The Bump
Celebrity Isla Fisher in Brazil for Save the Children
London Flashmob for World Breastfeeding Week
Australian Breastfeeding Association
“Breastfeeding was a key decision, unlike overdoing the fake tan at my sister’s wedding.”
French Canadian (In French and English)
“I’ve done it on the kitchen counter!”
A father explains the importance of breastfeeding, in Spanish
American, “Breasfeeding Doesn’t Suck!”
Natasha Kaplinsky in Sierra Leone