Kindred Welcomes Teresa Graham Brett, JD, As New Editor



teresa's book

Teresa Graham

(February 27, 2014) — Kindred is delighted to welcome Teresa Graham Brett, JD, as its new editor.  Teresa brings her considerable professional experience in parent education as well as her activist’s heart wisdom to Kindred’s global readership.

“Kindred Magazine and Community have been blessed by Teresa’s commitment and enthusiasm for our nonprofit vision for many years,” said Lisa Reagan, Kindred’s executive editor.  “As Kindred’s new editor, she will help us to expand and build on this year’s forthcoming webinars, events and our new Pioneering Partners program.  Her leadership in the conscious parenting movement will benefit all of the families who are following the ‘New Story of Childhood, Parenthood and the Human Family’ here at Kindred.”

Teresa is the author of Parenting for Social Change, a contributing writer to Kindred and a board of director’s member of Kindred’s parent nonprofit, Families for Conscious Living.  She co-sponsored the Tucson, Arizona workshop on the Parenting for a Peaceful World Tour in 2013 and will be presenting at the Re-Thinking Everything Conference in 2014.

“Joining Kindred is an amazing opportunity for me to serve families and parents who are recreating individual, family, and community relationships based on connection, wholeness, and conscious choice,” said Teresa. “By working together to connect across the globe to support our individual and collective journeys, we empower ourselves to make real our vision of an integrated, sustainable, and holistic world.”

Teresa will also be working alongside Kindred’s expanding International Contributing Editors Advisory Board:  Robin Grille, Australia; Hilary Jackson, New Zealand; and Suzanne Zeedyk, PhD, Scotland.

More About Teresa

Teresa lives her passion for creating social change by combining her work in social justice education with parenting. After graduating from law school, she opted to serve the cause of social change as an advocate, educator, and leader at three large public universities across the country. Her life was transformed after the births of two children. In spite of her espoused professional values, she realized that she had accepted, without question, the dominant cultural beliefs that adults have the right to control and coerce children. The children in her life have challenged her to live according to the values of liberation, freedom and respect as a parent and human being.

Using her experience in facilitating transformative learning, she began her own intensive learning journey. It led her to a deeper understanding that the ways our society treats children sets the foundation for all other forms of injustice. As a writer and consultant she works with other parents to do inner work as a foundation for outer action that ultimately liberates individuals, groups and communities. As individuals and a society we can create a base of love, wholeness, authenticity, and integrity that is the foundation for just and empowering relationships. And, as we are each reflections of the world, the world is changed by our commitment to wholeness, liberation, and freedom. Read more about Teresa’s work at

Listen to Teresa talk about Parenting for Social Change in this Kindred Fireside Chat:

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