
Teresa Graham Brett
Teresa Graham Brett, J.D., is a Kindred contributing editor and a board of director member of Kindred World. She is the founder of the Kindred Parent Liberation Alliance and Project and the author of Parenting for Social Change. Teresa co-sponsored the Tucson, Arizona workshop for Kindred's Parenting for a Peaceful World USA Tour with Robin Grille in 2013 and presented at the Re-Thinking Everything Conference in 2014. You can read her reflections about the Rethinking Everything Conference here.
Teresa lives her passion for creating social change by combining her work in social justice education with parenting. As a professional, she has spent over 20 years working in and with universities and colleges as an educator, leader, administrator and consultant committed to advancing social change and social justice. After graduating from law school, she decided not to practice law. Instead, she opted to serve the cause of social change and justice through her work at three large public universities across the country. She worked with innovative programs designed to create transformative learning for students, staff and faculty. As a consultant she continues to bring her expertise and passion to clients interested in transformative learning, social change and social justice.
Her own life was transformed after the births of Martel and Greyson, who have challenged her to live the values of liberation, freedom and respect as a parent. She discovered the ways in which she did not live in congruence with her professional values in her role as a parent. Using her experience in facilitating social justice learning, she began her own learning journey toward creating respectful relationships with the children who share her life. This personal journey and her challenge to others to create broader social change by transforming how we view and treat children is chronicled in her writing, both on her website and in her book, Parenting for Social Change. You can find her at, twitter @TGbrett, or friend her on Facebook, Teresa Graham Brett.
Listen to Teresa talk about Parenting for Social Change in this Kindred Fireside Chat: