Is the Parenting Paradigm Shifting? 20 Years of Insight from API Founders
Photo: The Heart to Heart Parenting Workshop was held in Yorktown, Virginia, in December 2013 as part of the Parenting for a Peaceful World USA Tour. Pictured is Elsa Bakkum, from Grace Episcopal Church; Lysa Parker from API; Lisa Reagan from Kindred; Robin Grille; Dave Metler; and Barbara Nicholson of API.
Join Attachment Parenting International and Kindred at the University of Notre Dame’s Symposium, Pathways to Child Flourishing, at the Center for Children and Families,September 27-30, 2014.
“Is the Parenting Paradigm Shifting?”
Robin Grille asks Attachment Parenting International founders, Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker, about the paradigm shift in parenting attitudes they have observed over the past twenty years. Barbara and Lysa share their insights and wisdom with some hopeful predictions for the future. API celebrates its 20th anniversary this year.
The Parenting for a Peaceful World USA Tour was sponsored by Kindred in December 2013. Read articles and book excerpts by Robin Grille, Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholdson on Kindred.
Visit API at
Thanks to Grace Episcopal Church in Yorktown, Virginia, for hosting the Heart to Heart Parenting Workshop and for sharing their beautiful and sacred space. Visit them here:
Thanks to Keith Reagan Film and Video for the footage: