A New Mother Blessing
Photo Shutterstock/Halfpoint
A New Mother Blessing
By Gina Hassan, PhD
What I wish for you is to be accepting of not knowing,
And to be ok with figuring it out.
To know that the only way is this way,
And that the fog can be a magnificent teacher.
Learn to accept its wisdom,
This is the way through

I wish for you to learn to trust yourself and your baby,
And the dance that you will create together,
Which can only be lived and can’t be taught.
No one knows the answers,
No one has danced this dance before.
The beauty of life is in the living dances,
The rote ones, the drills, are life sucking and not life affirming.
Come into the soup,
Know that many before you have swum through it,
And many will find there way through for generations to come.
Your daughter or granddaughter will make her mark,
Will place her feet in the steps that belong to her,
As this is the dance of the living.

Let go of what you are suppose to know.
Embrace what is messy,
The bloody chord that connects you to the earth and the moon.
This is the way to grow,
To tend to your soul and the tiny shoot you are nurturing,
The little bud who will walk her own walk,
Talk his own talk,
Sing their own song.
Love them for who they are,
Not for who you want them to be.
This is the path to liberation.
What a beautiful blessing! Definitely need to share this with all my new mamas out there!
Thank you Hannah! Hope this can be of use to some of the new mamas you work with. Blessings – Gina