28 Days Of Baby Care!

Resources for Normalizing Nesting!

Evolved Nest 28 Days of Baby Care

What Does A Baby Need?

NOTE: Babies are children under about age 2.5 years.

NOTE: The terms motherlinessmotheringmother lovegood enough mothers refer to empathic care or nurturing that mothers and other adults can provide. 

The Evolved Nest, Kindred’s sister initiative, is happy to launch the 28 Day Baby Care campaign in celebration of Attachment Parenting Month, in October 2020. You can find out more about support for your attachment parenting choices on our Evolved Nest Components page, and on the Attachment Parenting International website.

There is a lot of misinformation about babies and their needs, and parents are often encouraged to ignore baby’s signals. Bad idea. Babies are “half-baked” at birth and have much to learn with the help of physical and emotional support from caregivers. Taking care of baby’s needs is an investment that pays off with a happier, healthier child and adult. Here are 28 days of reminders about babies and their needs.

You can follow the 28 Days of Baby Care on our social media outlets starting October 1 in celebration of Attachment Parenting Month! The full 28 day card campaign can be found on the Evolved Nest’s website under Self-Nesting Tools here.

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