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Bruce Lipton
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. He’s a developmental biologist, bestselling author, guest speaker…
Jayson Gaddis
Jayson Gaddis is a yerba mate addict and a householder. He’s a relationship healer, psychotherapist, and guide devoted to helping people awaken through…
Darcia Narvaez, PhD
Darcia Narvaez is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of the Collaborative for Ethical Education at the University of Notre Dame. Her research…
Turning Off The Auto Pilot
We all have habits. One study showed that more than 40% of our daily actions are habits. 40% of the things we do are done habitually, without conscious…
A Journey of Healing: The Rethinking Everything Conference
Editor's Note: Rethinking Everything is a Pioneering Partner with Kindred, and Teresa Graham Brett is Kindred's editor. Read Kindred's original post about…
What I Learned Today
Editor's Note: Congratulations to Michael and his partner, Z, on the birth of their daughter. See beautiful birth photos below. Blessings to you Michael, Z…
Fukushima: Institutionalized Insanity And Humanity’s Existential…
Read more on January 1, 2014's stories about the government' stockpiling of iodine here and here. The blog below was posted December 18, 2013.
"I know what…
THE HYBRID MIND: The More High-Tech Schools Become, the More Nature They…
On Nov. 16, at the annual Learning & the Brain conference in Boston, Mass., I offered some of the following remarks in a keynote address. My topic was “The…
Story + Play = Engagement
Life is relationship. There is me, my authentic nature with its needs and curiosities and the cosmos expanding infinitely beyond me. What happens in the gap…
10 Gems for a Better Summer – 10 Gems for a Better Life
In the snowy wintery months that now seem so long ago, I discovered knitting again. It was with the encouragement of a teacher at my sons’ school that I found…