John Oliver on HBO’s Last Week Tonight shares clips from doctor conferences that market DRUGS as if they are selling soda or candy to doctors, who in turn, push these lucrative products onto YOU. The Last Week Tonight show says about the clip above: “Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars marketing drugs to doctors. We have a few issues with that.”
“You can’t turn on the TV without an endless stream of sleep-inducing moths, old men getting boners while varnishing chairs or this – (shows commercial of a woman being led around a city street by her disembodied cartoon bladder). What that women really needs is a pill to help her stop hallucinating anthropomorphic bladders… Be gone demon bladder.” John goes on to point out that the commercials we see are a drop on the billion dollar bucket of promotion that is targeted to the doctors who are the gateway to getting these drugs to the public.
The PEW CharitableTrust says: In 2012, the pharmaceutical industry spent more than $27 billion on drug promotion1— more than $24 billion on marketing to physicians and over $3 billion on advertising to consumers (mainly through television commercials).2 This approach is designed to promote drug companies’ products by influencing doctors’ prescribing practices.3
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