Why Do Babies Need A Bill Of Rights?

Check out the new Evolved Nest Baby's Bill of Rights Poster

Lisa Reagan talks with Darcia Narvaez about the science behind the Evolved Nest’s new Baby Bill of Rights poster, available here. This list isn’t for parents, but for communities, who are responsible for supporting parents, babies, and children on their pathway to wholeness and wellness, says Darcia Narvaez, founder of the Evolved Nest and president of Kindred World.

In 1989, world leaders made a historic commitment to the world’s children by adopting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – an international agreement on childhood.  It’s become the most widely ratified human rights treaty in history, with 195 countries on board and only two abstaining: the United States and Somalia.  However, as Darcia explains in this interview, the convention does not reflect the basic needs of babies. Baby’s rights are really basic needs for brain, immune system, and even spiritual development (nature connection). If these basic needs aren’t meet when a baby’s biology expects them to be met, there may be a lifetime of compensating for these deficiencies as adults.

A version of the Baby’s Bill of Rights was first presented in Darcia’s 2018 academic book, Basic Needs, Wellbeing, and Morality: Fulfilling Human Potential. The 14 rights of babies presented on the poster reflect the science of the nine components of our Evolved Nest – a few components were broken down into smaller parts. You can listen to Darcia discuss each of these baby’s rights in the podcast interview. Visit the Evolved Nest’s Learning Center to discover more about our nine components for lifelong wellbeing.

In this interview, you will learn:

  1. Why a Baby’s Bill of Rights is needed.
  2. Why is the Baby’s Bill of Rights is written for communities rather than parents?
  3. How are baby’s developmental needs different from a child’s needs?
  4. How does a Baby’s Bill of Rights contribute to the creation of a Wisdom-based, Wellness-informed Society?


Watch the Interview:

Listen to the podcast interview:


The Baby’s Bill of Right’s Poster:

More Kindred Posts and Resources on Babies’ Needs:


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1 Comment
  1. John Surr says

    Although the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child has improved the lives of children nearly everywhere, the United States is the only country in the world that has not joined in its Bill of Rights for Children, including babies. Even so, Darcia’s wisdom should be shared with UNICEF, the Convention’s implementing agency, as criteria for national leadership in child health and welfare.

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