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Mercury Myth-Busting! A Mom Who Knows Exposes The Top Ten Mercury Myths
In the video below, Mercury Myth-busting mom and founder of Mercury-free Baby, Rev. Lisa Sykes, testifies on mercury in medicine and vaccines before…
Vaccine Beat 1: Autism and The Thinking Moms’ Revolution
Editor's Note: Kindred is proud to partner with The Greater Good to bring its Vaccine Beat Video Series to our readers. Read more about The Greater Good in…
CDC Says 1 in 50 Children Now Have Autism
By Dr. Mercola
It’s official. Even the conservative US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states the latest stats show one in 50 US kids now…
The Next Big Autism Bomb: Are 1 in 50 Kids Potentially At Risk?
On Tuesday, March 11, a conference call was held between vaccine safety officials at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, several leading experts…
A Tale of Autism, Mercury Poisoning and Recovery
On a beautiful Saturday in September, 2011, my husband and I made the forty-mile trip from our eastern Lancaster County home to Harrisburg,…
Autism the Musical: A Review
Jack Black & Stephen Stills
(To see great photos of this event and to visit EcoFamily News.)
On October 4, 2011, The Miracle Project presented a free…
Autism is Treatable: Hope that is Real, Treatments that Heal
Autism is Treatable: Hope that is Real, Treatments that Heal
By Lisa Reagan
"My name is Michael Augerson. I'm autistic. Basically when you're autistic, you…