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Psychology / Self-help
The Loneliness Epidemic Eating Our Hearts (and Bodies)
There are three types of loneliness.
Pay attention to feelings of loneliness like you would hunger or thirst.
The arts provide remedies for loneliness.…
How Babies Learn the Story of Separation
Charles Eisenstein, in his book, The More Beautiful World Our Heart Knows is Possible, discusses how we are stuck in the dominant culture’s “story of…
How Conscious Are Babies In The Womb?
How much are we aware of while in our Mother’s wombs? In this conversation with Stephanie Mines we discuss the in-utero period of our lives and how pre-birth…
Misperceptions About Baby Needs
What is a baby? What do babies need for healthy development? What is harmful about sleep training? And, what can adults do if they were raised unnested?
Soul-Centered Strategies for the New Year: A Thoughtful Planning Toolkit
If you are like me, you resist the notion of New Year’s resolutions. The whole idea can wreak of performance, pressure, and obligation. But we would be remiss…
Mother Consciousness
NB: Mother Consciousness is available to men as well as women, but men would do well to learn about it from women.
The events and individuals portrayed in…
Returning to Nature’s Way of Raising Connected, Nurtured Children:…
In this presentation, Darcia describes how our evolved wellness-informed pathway follows the cycle of connected cooperative companionship. This pathway shifted…
Why Reimagine Humanity? And How The New Short Film Can Help
When the Evolved Nest is provisioned to children and to adults,
our full humanity is developed and expressed.
Through the Evolved Nest we develop the…
The Microbiology of Attunement and Women’s Natural Affinity for It
I suspect that we will be saved through the articulation of what we claim to have forgotten, that which is buried in silence.
Decolonizing Our Bodies to Liberate Intelligence
1. the action of cutting off a person's or animal's limbs.
2. the action of partitioning or dividing up a territory or organization.…